Research activities

Research work carried out at the Department in the following areas:

  • philosophy and hermeneutics of art, aesthetic consciousness, problems of perception of music;
  • history of government measures on liquidation of emergencies;
  • lutheran confessionalization in Saxony regions of Germany and other early modern times;
  • history, current state, problems and prospects of development of ukrainian culture;
  • professiographic analysis of the dispatching service of "112";
  • establishment and development of the youth movement in Ukraine (1917 - mid-1920);
  • measures local authorities of Kharkiv on disaster management;
  • history and culture of ancient Greece, Northern Black Sea Areas, postmodern philosophy, world religions.

Scientific achievements of department

Department staff carried out active work in the exploration of meaning and value components of the ideological culture of cadets and students, their attitudes, outlook, cultural needs. The results of this study are reflected within the scientific research "Formation of humanitarian culture of cadets and students if NUCPU" (2009 - 2013 years.). Today I am making pedagogical staff examines the processes of formation of information culture of cadets and students.

In 2013, Department organized and held the first all-Ukrainian scientific conference of cadets, students and young scientists "The problem of traditions in Ukrainian culture." The conference was attended by over 120 representatives of academic and research institutions from different regions of Ukraine.

Proceedings of the all-Ukrainian scientific conference of cadets, students and young scientists "The problem of tradition in Ukrainian culture"

Speech of the Head of Department Elena Ryabinina on the plenary session of the conference

Participants on plenary session of the conference

Report of the applicant O.M. Aksenova. ("Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav Mudriy")

Participants of the conference after the plenary session

The section "Formation of traditions and the introduction of innovations in history, culture, art, religion, education and science" - speech of cadet P.G. Borodatiy (AMI ONMA)

The section "Social-philosophical sense of tradition and innovation" - speech of student M.V. Borodin (NUCPU)

Over the past year the Department's staff produced about 20 publications in professional journals and other scientific collections, attended more than 20 conferences, seminars, "round tables" of regional, national and international levels.

Round table "Civil War history"

Department staff has awards for active, multifaceted and fruitful scientific activity.



94 Chernyshevska Str.
Kharkiv 61023 Ukraine
Social and psychological faculty
(057) 707-34-60
(063) 164-17-96
(050) 997-92-66
(067) 475-56-97